Aja Trebec
WP3 | GOB-IOCAG, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Aja Trebec is a PhD candidate at the Biological Oceanography Group (GOB) at the Institute of Oceanography and Climate Change (IOCAG) of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). She pursued a career in Marine Biology, focusing on the characterization of photosynthesis and carbon allocation in marine microalgal species acclimated to different light regimes. After her studies, Aja joined the group to work as a laboratory technician. She has contributed to field sampling in the Canary Archipelago and sample analysis in the laboratory, as well as to scientific dissemination of GOB’s projects, with the purpose of connecting the public to the world of ocean science. Recently, she started her PhD thesis, studying the impacts of multi-stressor controls, such as atmospheric aerosol deposition and temperature, on plankton communities. Her studies are framed within one of the priority objectives of the OceanICU research project, and she is part of the projects’ Work Package 3, which focuses on the Impacts of Abiotic Climate Stressors on the Biological Carbon Pump. Aside from her scientific work, Aja enjoys balance through staying active, mindful, and close to nature. Her life goes by the words “Just dive”.