Prof. Jamie Shutler
WP2 | University of Exeter
Jamie is an ocean and atmospheric scientist with a wide range of interests that exploit satellite Earth observation, in situ observations and models to study and monitor land, water and atmosphere environments and interactions, particularly in relation to climate. This includes studying atmosphere-ocean exchange of climatically important gases, carbon accounting, bacterial, biological, viral and chemical water quality and land-water continuum interactions. His work has covered novel in situ monitoring methods to support aquaculture, through to global analyses of carbon to support policy, through to the design of satellites for the European Space Agency. I was an invited scientific reviewer for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on the Oceans and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC), andwas a lead author for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and International Oceanographic Commission (IOC) decadal vision for integrated ocean carbon research.
His reserach has been featured in the Guardian Environment, BBC news, Al Jazeera TV, Forbes, Higgs, The Daily Mail, The World Economic Forum, contributed to UK parliamentary enquiries (Ocean Acidification, 2017; Sustainable Seas, 2018) and guided international and inter-governmental agencies and research programmes.