Judith Hauck

WP2 | Alfred Wegener Institute

Dr. Judith Hauck is the deputy lead of the Marine Biogeosciences section at AWI and coordinates the ocean carbon sink estimate in the Global Carbon Budget (Friedlingstein et al., 2023). She leads the development and application of the ocean biogeochemistry model REcoM (Gürses et al., 2023) and investigates the ocean carbon cycle in the polar regions (Hauck et al., 2023a, Yasunaka et al., 2023, Nissen et al., 2022, Oziel et al., 2022) and globally (Hauck et al., 2020, Crisp et al., 2022, Friedlingstein et al., 2023, Hauck et al., 2023b), as well as its physical and biological drivers.

She currently leads the Helmholtz Young Investigator Group Marine Carbon and Ecosystem Feedbacks in the Earth System (MarESys, 2018-2024) as well as the ERC Starting Grant project The global ocean carbon cycle after peak emissions (OceanPeak, 2023-2028). She has participated and is currently participating in multiple EU projects, as PI or WP lead, e.g. COMFORT, OceanNETs, OceanICU, POMP. She is in the Scientific Steering Committee of the RECCAP Regional Carbon Cycle Assessment and Processes) project phase 2, and involved in working and advisory groups on ocean carbon (e.g., IOC-R, G7 FSOI, WMO GGGW).

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