WEBINAR : OceanICU - Webinar - Ocean Acidification and Carbon Cycle Feedbacks
- Moderator: Sophie Clayton
- Wednesday, 26th February 2025 | 15:00 (CET) 14:00 (GMT)
As we continue to emit large amounts of CO₂ into the atmosphere, the portion that is absorbed into the ocean through natural processes shifts the pH down to more acidic levels – this is what we term ‘Ocean Acidification’.
Despite decades of research on the topic, we are still discovering new ways in which Ocean Acidification impacts key marine biota – this webinar will explore Ocean Acidification impacts on biological aspects of the marine carbon cycle; the Biological Carbon Pump and Cold-water corals in the deep sea.
Register now and take this unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of Ocean Carbon and engage with scientist currently working in this important field including Sophie Clayton, Delon Earle, and Sarah Cryer.


Dr. Sophie Clayton
Principal Investigator in Marine Biogeochemistry at the UK’s National Oceanography Centre

Dr. Jan Taucher
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Plankton Imaging, Biological Oceanography

Dr. Sarah Cryer
Post Doc
Ocean Acidification and Carbon Cycle Feedbacks, Heriot-Watt University

Delon Earle
PhD Student at the University of Galway