If your research involves Ocean carbon, please consider submitting an abstract to the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024 session OB017, titled “Recent advances in understanding the Ocean carbon cycle”.
OceanICU partner Neill MacKay of the University of Exeter will be convening this session and is welcoming submissions addressing all aspects of the Ocean carbon cycle, including air-sea fluxes, interior transports, the changing carbon inventory, and how they reconcile with one another; physical and biogeochemical mechanisms underlying carbon cycle variability and trends; and future projections. We encourage submissions from studies using a range of methodologies, including observations and observation-based reconstructions (e.g., using SOCAT, GLODAP, SOCCOM, and BGC-Argo), inverse methods, numerical and data-assimilating ocean and Earth System/CMIP models, state estimates, and theory. We especially welcome contributions arising from the RECCAP2 project.
The Ocean Sciences meeting takes place at AGU in New Orleans, USA, on 18-23rd February 2024.
Abstract submission closes on Wednesday 13, September 20323.
Information on this session and for abstract submission can be found at: