On the 28th of February 2023, OceanICU team members from the 30 partner organisations making up the consortium gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark to discuss the opportunities and challenges of meeting the objectives of the OceanICU project. A series of presentations and workshops were held covering a variety of different disciplines, initial implementation plans were forged and the beginning of stakeholder engagement strategies discussed as experts in their respective fields put the tracks down toward cooperation and collaboration with their new OceanICU colleagues.
For those attending, there was an optimistic spirit in the air with members of the newly formed team recognizing that the optimal way for OceanICU to increase our understanding of the biological carbon pump and bridge the fundamental knowledge gap is with a multiple discipline team comprising world-class expertise approaching the problem from different perspectives and skill sets but with a unified mission and mutual respect. For more information about the partners and how OceanICU will approach its objectives, please visit the about Ocean-ICU page on our website.